Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

FtTE THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. ASHEVII.LE, WEDNESDAY, t)XT IM N. Y. Stock Market Again Bounds Up Recovery Road Local Produce Net Lust Cli .21 ta NEW YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS COTTON FUTURES DAY'S DEALINGS ARE LIVELIEST Ind Hail Till Kt Activity in 3 Ut IW I -B Tuin C-iro 4 10o Tixs Coro 1 I I'M ffill Prod 4 'Tex flulf S-jlDh 14 1 a 41 4 41 i Leading Industries I QiotHtion on oricfs oticl to farnifru i for produce ai furnisned irTera lfrid- lti burr. POri.TRT Chickr-nn- i Ahvr broiler 20 cents orr Dound.

Trvrrt 20 cent. ll-'ht cent. medium li cnl. hvv colored 18 cent. hNW rotrr- li centa: 'drf edt broil.

en and fryer 24 hens cen'j. BI I CR Fresh count rv, 2" oer oound, ttu.s Hennert' whiten. 29-30 renti oer donen. heniierv bronna.

29-JO cento, rurrenl col-. lection cents. Market firm. SuddIv lisht. 4 1 i 0 i tt l.i 4 R'I II: eh loin- MMtiuH1 11 Jon At 1 "ft ilrim H'(ir A 4 10'.

K. t. Hoj'lt 4 A' A 14 15 KrK-v WH Ton 7a Ki.iilrlv 10 27 'j Kin (ill 1 JO Ifi Krrv II 7 26 i cr rot -tv 1 1 AUTO -i stik WOOyCTION 1 PHOOOChOH Mitfli i fx Phi CO 7 Tex It Th- ftr ot 1 T'it rmoiri Co Third Ai Hv 3 Thoniohii-i Piud Tirif AO lb Wai A 2 1 A 2f 'I linKcti Roll 8 1 rmi'nii ru 7 Iran- 1 kill 4 3000; i i a i i CHICAGO BITTIR laiC IVvllOI lllUlCrtlfb CHICAGO Julv 8 Butirr. recelDU firm- market unrh united. 1 616 481; General N.

Y. Market Is Narrow; Utilities Move Lower Industrials Are Favorite During Session On Tuesday Smallest Harvest In Twenty Years NFW YORK EC.C.s I NEW YOHK. Julv 8 iL'Pt Eeaa. 704 caaei Market tirmer. Fancv to extra lancv 29-32' A.

xtias 2B's-28. lorae 1 narked flrsia ftrt 2fl medtums dirties 27'4-27'. chrcka i in dm! roro 9 T'n'ix I r-T II TT-rnt Pox rn' 2 Twin Couch ID I500U ih.W i I S. ol lrlm' 'n I.MIIll.-T fu Lai Hr, ct I-t- Hut, A. Uh.vh iori l.t-tpl 1 r.

tnl Main VmI Vnl lr Lfhrimii Ilin Kiuf. Ib McN I, I O' oiiio; Lion i Hr Ic h-. Aire HlM NEW YORK. July 8 'Pi A bullish af rrnye reort interpreted aft lndlcat-l lug the smallest cotton harvest in ItlCAliO K.d CHICAOO. Julv 8 (J'i-E.

re-eiotR 27.236 stvadv- miirket unchaneed. New Vo Cmierwood En "ik Kxrhaimr. A S.ili-o NEW YORK. July 8 markPtB annin bounded up the recovery road today, ninny lut-tlnK hlih levels lor the yrar or lonaer, Inflntum nmrmius been me A bit Ill'MP pruixi.lllrrd Vk.u news was ra(Klciuto ly bullr-h Stocks rxtmdid Moiiclay bulxe 20 10 10 10 Rails Ind. UU1.

Tan 3 .1 .1 00 65 0 104.9 101.3 47 64 .7 105.0 101.4 47 6 64 6 104.7 101 0 44 5 56 3 102.4 37 4 Kb 105 3 101. 476 60 2 104 2 0 8 0 61 4 105.9 100 7 51 48 3 98 9 T0.3 35.1 Hum I 3d Net chnnfe Tae.sdav Piev. dv Month rso ao 1941 Ilish 1941 Low 1940 Hieh 1940 Low 20 years heightened the wave of buy-; livestock ln thHt tiKlaV pushel fUUires to CHICAOO. Julv 8. Sieadv to 10 rent! muxlmum Rnlns of 1.75.

A bale hlsher ddit orevailed todT in a mod- beror, pront,g cut the advance 1. to 55 to 95 cents a bale. tober. 1937. Lamb Drlces were atrontt to The f.tlral estimate vm S10 h.

slier, bur value, in the cattle lection I Jut- li Air Kftl. ri u-i l'ii a 41 Alli-nh'im Com 16 of by fraction to in, in- thn '2 point Aifuii if 0. I Corp 19 liw Yield Bond H4 2- nrpvlors dar 114 1: month aco 113. vear nzo 111 4- 1941 hiirh 114 6: 1P41 lnw 112 2. 1940 114 6- 1940 low 106.4.

in thf liveliest d'-uiinns of Ihf Ail-vh nr uf Oino'i Buk A 42 f'aibirk Union Oil C'4 24 Un.on pjctir 7 nioji P.i; mo 2 iii''d Air I-iriet 41 I'lliier! Arn 64 Viiiird Cor i l.i 1 Jit' Ci rn 1 6 I'nitt-fi li-, -wood 2 United live 1 10 Cni'ed Klee Coal 21 Unit Prul 8 (In Imo Unit Mer A 44 IS Fretuhi H. (I' UMim 7 1 Hoff Mach Itid Alco 14 'Irf. leather A 9 ne Ar Fdr- 8 -1. Prober 186 AMMl llMlll-Ulrs 4 1 (Jifiti I vc 1-' Mli'd Mill. 10 nOVtRNMENT BONOS NDW YOHK.

Julv S. ol'i U. 8. 0V-erninent bonds: Tre.tsurv 3s 4-44 107 10 34 -Hum Klch low Lat Mtrk Hi It ers with reports of insect infestation Dhe. omttiTtu- rinnriitinn.

tn Most values in the hod marhet, how- imd poor giowing conditions to Mfr 5 to If) cenlJl Ull Pilt-erii nild point up fp.irff of a short crop. 5 shinned direcilv tn them todav com- Ai a result tr-iflt atil mill mrer- with 2.M10 vevterdiiV The bulk of r'SU1, U'lU an1 mm -ntr mrdnim wentht swine ere HOW) ud. ests M)Uwht futures contracts, eom- a nioderate of medium weti-ht peiinK with speculative demand. weiahtv steers added to Puriher concessional opposition to iW price control legislation and indica- day. 2.S cen: downturn, and in n'-ances nonr be asked imme- l'" dlatelv guve the market added 'U.

8 Dept. Akr. ho 13- Mrenmh rm(' 18 500: active, stead i 'lull i Id 1n in (i 1. Treasury 2s 50-48 104 'I al Treasury 2. 111.17 fl Treasury 2'-a 58-55 104.17 ij 23.s 3-80 lll.K NEW YORK.

July 8. Railroad v.r. pith 1 Mir'irj Parv Mohte-on M.iv fii' Rforen MfCall Cto M.Crorv Stores Mrc.rsw Ml! Bb 1 McKes'. A VTcf-elliit, filrs I2 ''1 Allied H' ultl 1 V1 ci, Mi Wul.i I Cm 4 1M iH Arier.idH fori) 4 M'i A -n Ch .1 IJ. U.

I Am Air'iiifs 4 4 I' 4 1 i A h.tiut Note 10 7 Am Ho-cii 1 Am Btuke fthoe I t'i'4 l'i Arn ''fible At -1 -1 1 Am Can 11 Am C.r Pit' .17 M' -V Am Cr A 78 7H' Am Ch Ar 4 l- 1 Am Chick 2 107'. 107 K7 Am Cotnl Alto 47 7 fi fc An, H.i I7' 17 17 fight months. ItKllixtriiillM were the fnvoi itrs itliliuuiih rails participated to some dejiiee. The direction whs loivuird fiont tlie start, overnitihl woid tin-United occupation ol Iceland falling to in ti midlife bidder Another upswing in commodities also provided fuel for speculative Mies. While cloMng prices in the stock were a tshiute under thru-beat, the Assoc iut I'd Press average ol 60 liues retained net advance of 6 or ft point nt on top oi a gain 7 in the preceding sv -M-m.

Tlie composite today wits at Us hiKhet mark Mine 2H mid com-paied With the Ji41 peak ot 4.t ul-lamed earlier In the initial month It was also one ol the broadest to 10 nurner nun Montiui' averaae. moft Tlie upward movement absorbed Iv 3.10 ud. ton 11.10 7iKd and chom moved up strongly agalu to- Df ai.l mm. irw.fiM 180-270 lbs I0 10 senerallv 10 no im day, a laige numoer aaumg irntuuna Tob'TfO Ulil'et) H'nckv tinned Si -re, i i i most 270-330 lbs. 10.65-11.00.

Rood 300-400 to around 2 points to Monaay a iid cc jo M--h lilt- HI '1 a VI Tr 1 HW14.1--. 111 auuiuwn 111 nqui- it dh rklna 75-10. (10: few Inrni datum In Julv occasioned bv Isku- butcher k.nd to 10 2v wood lb. ance of 29 delivery notices. KJ 1 'k 2: Worth street waa quiet, cotton Salable cattle 7 cahea 800 mar- oods men holdlnir back while fcei on medium and i.eer substantial gains.

Trie general market was narrow and the trend aver aged lower among industrials and utilities. JO. M.tch;: 16 Van N.jrm VrniBil iim Coro 1 ick Chen, Va rjro Chem Va hem 6 21 17 Pe Cent Turnover of 11,247,700. par value. watching WashiiiKton for deveion- 2i CI, cUi 'i 3 i 3 1 Cn A- III 2 l.

I1, 1'. Oi' A- HI A 4' 4 CLt We! II 2'. i'4 2, Cl.i (IK 51 8- t- Ch, Mol Oi 2 fi tj', Cti Pnetj Tool IS' cin'is co i r. Cr.rv Coro SH'a 7' M' 1 CIIV I 12 Ii0 1U4 104 104 Clink t.nn 2 .18 Hi 1 If (ir.M.n Mr 1 2W 27 a 21 40 i i ii' 1 1 8 4' (. cii.

coiu 9i mi ii oi Pkin. 7 14 i 14 Colim At 4 20'3 20 ill1 Co 2 I Mt 2 l'f 1 Co! Hid It on 18 ,8 Clun ItrcM A 9 IS1 IV- Wi-i BiVasl 2 1 1 a 16'. I-P Colurn C. A Kl 22 21 2' 2 Cohim Pic 12 5'4 I 2 80', HO Kll1, 1 Cotnl Ciedi' 19 26 J4 1 Coml Inv Tr 27 .12 4 I Cord HulvenU 40 tt 1H' Ctppn 141 9-1 A 9-18 i 1 I Com At 7 61 '4 1 K1 38 2fl'i 26' 26' a I fonolrom Neirn 4 lb 16'a Iti'a Airtr 92 .11 Jl 32', tl Ciaar 14 lit 12'b I21 i Cons CoDuermln 30 8 Va icons Kdiwin 29 19 IK IS7 Con. F.dtson of 9 98 Wil Pn.rt Hett ll(i fl M.i.n Hope An, At Am A- Am A- I 7 Am A- 2 tf men is in the disagreement over Mondavs close moderate siinniv nn ie: was the best since June 26 and com- Minn MuliT'e MisMon Cor i 29 12'.

Am 1 1 i 1 1 price ceitinas recently established on lld frlv ac- pared with 9.58.300 the day before. 11V" suDDlv scalin? 1100 b. downward rrK prriU; nf 9(1 some gray gootls. Mills reported re- un mostu trade Tne Associated Presn average 01 A' fen markets in months, flHts individual Hif 1'r Co Walk -i A Walwoith Co lii nl Wane I'umn fusing quotations nn good! mimed 11,1 lon 11 7S DiUQ however onu- rnr rails moea up 01 a puiut iu oj A rn slocks appeared on the ticker tape Of these. 664 wer up.

H7 down and 1-2 points of the 1941 mt.a iji riiiim- ana iicm 5 iters: moat wenrntv 1 the federal order. ion fed steers 10. 30-11 orime 1.J00 lb Wlln-h 1 Export vesterdav nil: twasnn fr averaites 11. 65- coninarable 1546 lb-. 11.40: hich.

Ar 4 18. Mo Tex Moniiwlt C.Tnet I I Mon'Hiito Cfx-m 7 Hi Men' Ward 4t I5r Morn A K-s 1 20 Tti 1 Molor P'-od'icts 4 8'. Motor Wl ce 1 Hr, M-teiler Bra 4 1 Mullin MJ 1 10 61 I Mur: av Coro 8 I 1.029.476 bales, port receiota 10 904 AW V.l'J1' mw" "b.ov,.!.1 As in recent day? when rails wers West A'HO Sup 7 Maryland We.ii I'm- Id 2 We o' 2 Port stocks 3.302.4M0. to the fore, buyers centered their tenfion on tlie low and medium nurket firm and active: bulk fed heifers 107.S-ll.3o too on this ciaNS 11.60 bulls Range follows: unchanged. While there were brlel intervals lit-n Hie pace slowed tra iisfern ol 1.J87.67J shares compared with the day before and weie the lai ficst, since Nov 12, lat Inflation think ing.

brokers said. was based mainly on reports pro-i A tn A- F'l A-n A Me' 21 An, M-tal Am I'o A- Lt Am A ifl Am A mt Am TJnrl Am Poll 10 Hieh West Ciwon Te We'iiu A Br 4H Wet 27 Close 1 wehtv bulln tn 9 13 other priced groups wnich are caicuiaiea 15.o:n 1 11 daws siarce. fuliv iead cuitfr rows to benetlt the most from the pre 'ill? t-M S-'iV VXtmiUV" f0, high rate ot traffic being handl- li tflN- Salable 1.500: total 2 t00 sorins ed. X.v.n Klvinator 2 1 Wh. ilh.v Peel Ootnt 14 15 20 15 34 1541 1541 Nominal 21 22'.

l'l jmv 9.S IH', 1', Oct 2'4 2ft 1 Dec. It; IS lfi Jan. 7'n 7 7 iB M.h. 4' 4't 41 l4 M.iv 2 2 2 t- 'r N- 26 98 15.19 15 JJ 15 34 15 14.50 i Vat Acme 15 45 15 Mi 15 55 15 V2 Fib Na I Am lainbB jitrona lo 13 hiirher few choice na- nf tim tit-ei Uvie Aviation 12 posed prlce-flxliiK legislation might Am Phin Blttir 2 10 9h I- 1 46 Nnt Pim- ii! 40 Sool nominal middhnr 5 92. ('oi)Mtl Film Ind C'tn-i Film 1 Cnn-nl Oil Comni'n Coal Com itter Coro Coin Mak A font Rak 19, uves 75- bulk iiuliidin iwo doubles to choice Idaho iambs 11.35-60: emerging with most of the days thro worn riiuves mostw 9 oo down: stronit improvement were Southern Pacific "AeiBhts around mature classes.

5 0- sieadv one double coed 75 lb rearlinns 4 l-2s at 52 5-8. Nickel Plate 4 l-2 Wn Motor 62 White So While ich ft Wilcov A das 2 Will.s O'erland 18 Wilivs Overl 9 Wil.iii A- Co 30 Wilson A 6 Wit'Klvi itrd Iron ft Woolt-or'h 42 tVor-iuni! JC 2 v. Nat Bond A Inv 4 ,6 Ni'l fflTl 14. i. 1 Nat "a Retr 6 3-1 Cylinder (1 4 Ti.

j. i. i Nai Dairv Pr 30 meet opposition congiess. fc.n-1 Rnuff Ci. 4t'-.

courapement alM was derived Am S'i Fdr. no 2W. claims of having stopped! Am Store 2 f2 Puirar Ref 1 I1- the Nai thrust. i TH A Tr, Ill the liopef 111 bUSUlCRS picture Am Tobacco "i tta General Motors' announcement 14 14 NFW ORIIAVS COTTON NEW OK LEAN 9. Julv 8 .1 -Couon fn-'ures roe i 45 iu $1 80 a ba to ne sea.Mnal hurhs here todav on btivmir m-uuced bv small government acrene and Wa-rt.

union claims tha; wf.uld be no once Lontrol lestslation until fall I However orofir taltina cv.t he dams but clo ine Drires were kteadv. 13 to 21 uuints net hialier 1 Ouen Hiirh Low Close! 4 I 19-. 19V 19', 1 ft-. 5 v- 9 8'a 9 16 lfi'a 16's 11 101. 10'4- 8 8 8' 12 10'- Iff, 10' 14 ii' 6 4- 2-- 22 12', 84 IB 18 7.

V't 7N 17'a 17'. tTj 21' 32 1 i tT tP. 6. fth'a 5ftrf -1 ftj: 67 RB I ft 6 i' 'i 15 14', 15 I 4' 4', 4'. 29' 29 29:, 1 9 8 9 3 1 ''K'a 26 110 o9' I oo lew it ewes 4 75 bulk 3 50-4 50.

at $4 now York Central 5s at 63 1-4. Southern Railway 4s at 62 5-8 NEW 8XA-The Canadian nd Baltimore Ohio Convertible dollar declined cent -ernvs of the of '60 at 31. St. Paul 5fl. on- sales United S' doll ir ureter, exchange nnn nor rain inpri tradmi todav.

cIomiic ar as 3-16 B. or 12.000. par value closed 1-8 en net lower at 11 1-4 after having J1' SliunirhHl dollar al-o was off a bP(in vip to 11 3-4 at one time, nhade. Other maior currencies general were umhaimed Gainers elsewhere included Bush ClOSine r.itt'S fOlIOW iQreat Britain In i Terminal As Amerlean Ar. Poreii-n the June and first six Kt'n inoiiiiis Miles on record.

Am Woolen isecomhiry nut houda led a lurther Am Zinr A Upward niOVC in llur lonil.s depart- Anaconda 16 71' BP 14fi 59' 1 90 ment. At C'hiniKo whi'nt Ititures1 Air-rni a I 11 Amirs Cooper 15 Canadian control board Poww and Walworth 4s. Oh tht 15 44 Dec. Mcii. iJ Nar pent rores 16 Nat Dl-ttiUer 7 Nat Fmam A 8 2 I Nl (Ivtivum 48 i' Nat 1 ed 1ft t'.

Nat, tl A 10 Nat Pow A Lt 37 I NaU 12 I- Nat. Hilpolv 12 I Nat id 6 0 2 20 Nat Sun ft! 2 Suo 12 16 Nat Ten 2 in Newmoni Mm 4 NewiKirt 1 12 i Nett. Shtu 47 i Nrwpt Sh 4 i. NY Air Bnike 3 I NY Cen' 214 ii NYC A 9 7 NYC A I 46 I NYN1I A NY Shipo i No Am Mat 121 i No-th Am Co. 74 rales tor dollars ine Der oflside were, among others.

She. cent premium aelhiii- 11 Der cent Dre-tiiium uniiatt-nt to rturnun'? on CjIIh. Union 2 l-2s. Studebaker 6s 15 70 is 15 60 15 4R 5 4R 15 58 15 50 1 48 dtan dollars in New York of buvmc 9. International Mercantime Marine 6 i' Fib 14 8a 8'a 8t-i- O.nt.

In- 10 40' 39: 40'j Cont Mo-Or' 114 Ti Con Oil Del Jft 1 217a cnu*t Rierl 2 18' 18'. 18' Copnerweld S'l 11 16 lt li 16 Corn ProdiiclR 14 49 1 49' 4' co-v 6 Crane Co. 10 17' 17. 17' t- Cr -ion of Wh 2 16'-, 161. 16 Cto'lcv Cnip 2 7 1 i Tt IfTown Cork A 9 4 23' 73 23 4.

I Crnn Cor 4 3i' Cm 3B 14 I.V ll'a frown Zell.T 1 20 88 87 87 See 71 42 41 42 4 1 Crucible S'l of 13 M' 89 90 I Cnbiin Am Suit 54 4' ft i- Cndahv 2 I IN LIS LT -C'iri Publish 6 I'a 1 Curt i Pub 6 30' 30 30' dim-. Wimlif 9'. i- Curl Wr A 9 28' 28 2B1. i- Culler Hammer 10 ll 18'a Deere A Co 47 2S' 24' 2ft Wen Oil 4 l- 15 IS1. I)e A Hml'on ftft IT.

II' I)e latck A 18 I I Deirmt Edison 33 20 20' 20', Ann of 111 24 Ai-v or III 19 Ar'ii-'ionr Cork 2 Ar-K l' Con.t 7 A -d Prv C.ood 3': a r.d i A't A A'r'i A 8 ft Co.iM Line 64 M' A- Ind 1 A i i A- A' I A'l Refmmi 14 ere up 1 to 2 1-B cents a bushel, cord annul ii-B in 7-B and feti-ady to hinder at I1CW 4-'eai" peakh. Cotton slipped nl the laM but ended up jo to 9." cents a biile. AmuliK htoeks nt 1U41 highs were J. 1. Cae, iSatm' standard Oil (N.

and Texus tjorp. Protm-JLt'lU in the inuu lank.H Wflc h. 8 Vale A Tow ne 2'. 21 Vrllcw Tr A 104 15'. H'i 1'- '4 Yo'in Siii A 10 in- Yoiinest SIi A ft4 3f 171, I8' YjuiuM -SH Dr 17' 1' 17 a.

16 12'. 12 t- Zomie Piodncta 7 I 1 i l1, 1 SII.FS A ie vtork 1 Iictne tock 12 'lot a I KkIjv l.t!!" Prev -4b 4je aiio Ir. ejrs 1 Yc.r u'0 128 105. Two in no. MEI NFW YOHK Juiv fl CooDer Meadr "lecirolvtic Conn.

a l'-v 12 O'l ex-oort FAS II 00-12 00 Tin Meadv Miot and neaibv 5 12 forward 5217'-la-ad steadv. sDor. New York Louis 70. Zmr Eat Si. I.utn.

tnit forward 7 2: iron aluminum, an tmonv. on if tcih er ni annum Chineae wolframite and domestic f-clier-Ire uncfiaiv-d. Only 6 of the 30-odd Rovrnmrnt teet i-ift oer cen discount or 88 is3 issues traded on the stock exchang UF.Srn,";"orr. offlrlal P1 rtMn" hmm xrhsmr rommitKv rilmn. birtii I Thm wan more activity over th .4 0'.

spIIiiik 4 04 onpn miirfipi. rabies counter but here too the list mov- "fflin Auieric- Arnntmt affirm Tl. a 0W Hs1tly either way. fr--e 21P0 nrail oilicial 6.06N. tree 5.

ION Poreinn bonds were mostlv higher. J3 .63 Hon.kon. 34 51 "nra Included japan l-2a. Shinchai 31 Buenon Aires 4 5-8 and Denmark 6 AH-'- Po ( Oil. NBW YOHK.

Julv 8. Co totiserd oil fi.f scored further atn of '4 to more than cent a Do todav on broad bu. inn touched of I bv new rapid advances lard and other allied: 11 nt 1 lie move ca rneri 'he markei bacle to with 11 a cent a nound of the June DMlt re.iched tust be'ore price AdininlMraior, Henderson threatened a once ee-hnc I Sen. cloed ai 12 01. Oct.

12 07 bid. Dec 1 12 05 JaJi 12 05 Crude oil was ouote nominal levels in the xallrv a r.d Texa. SLeel. Bethiehi in L'hrvsler lienerul At'i' Tark 87 Motors, OiKxItuh Union Carbide, rrn Northt-rn Northwest Virl Duuglt Aircralt, Pu Pont, Wetm-boiibc, Phelps Dtnle, American Id Loco ci Rate snot cable uniepa ornerwi 1.05 indicated.

Nominal. 1 1 71 71, 7 7' 4 I 'a 122 12 22 3 6 6 6 2 4'a 4'i 5 11 Irt', nj 16'. 17 7'v 7l4 4 4C- 46. 4'a-M Ri nRilt markft 1 NAVAL STORF I NFW ORT FANS Julv 'P Cotton Ohio Oil Oliver Fonr i OPimtni. Corn i fnoen rollms fif F.Ieva-or OUs S'eel nm i 1 of NEW YORK.

Julv S. -Crude rubber; SAVANNAH. Julv 8. fu'ure closed unchanged to ft tanner. No receipts 440.

shiDmentp 110: Mock is oo. Rrwin offerings 1.132: aales 1.132- receipt! smoked ribbed DOt 21 WN. 1.441 abiomenta utock 182 N--Nominal Ouo'e IN 194. 1 85: IT 198: 2.01 J.18: WO 2 32: i WW and 2.53. I'OIVfl' MARKFT closed stradv Bleachable Drim NEW YORK.

Juiv s. Coffef futures! "mri toda tamed seasonal htshs on rise --n 1 1 ihe Brazilian market that attracted trade! b.j and huvina. Santos ctoert 10: oia. to 14 Doints hieher on sales of 15.000) bap.1;. Rio aained 14 to Id Doints on a DRV iOODi Owen-, 111 tlliw 46 Smelting.

Santa Fe, N. Y. Centiavl -lH A. 0 nfd and Souiliern Itailway. U.

S. Rub- Panro- a Ar ber was aided by denial of an ap-1 Jiro-plica tiou by a preferred stockholder narndall oil to prevent pajment of a 50-cent Rn'h lr Wk dividend voted on the common. i "eat Vtre cream I'ei)M-Cola, recent strong sprinter Uridine He: emerg-d with a minus siKn. as ditP Dow Clwmical and Wi'stern Union. a r.

Up as inutli us '2 or so In the R'eei euro wire Aluimnum ot America. I "''IO Bell Aircralt, dull Oil. Creole Pe-1 HiJrk A Decker turnover of 1 000 bair. NEW YORK Julv Mill are re-( and available vardave for nearbv delivery limited Woolen roods were oulet as ooera-. tors nailed further sovernnietu award.

Sanio r.itures clo-ed Julv 10 5. Sen Itism to ouote once on anv textile 11 rw.c 11 Mir-h 11 1 War 11 tA vimC. that mm- unf1r tt, retltnw Dnces I)eoe A RaV A 5 40 lfiT. Diamond Mtch 4 27', Dliim Mo'or 2 8'. 1)1 Com SenK 6 1ft Hi 3 ww 10 7f! Die t'U 4 18'.

Dome Minci 4 IV, Douirl.i- Auciaft 18 Dow Chem 6 128' Iresrr Mf 5 22'. Donhill Int ft ft't Iii I'ont df 10 Duq Lntht 1 1 20 112 Fantern Air 5 35 Eastern Rill Mill ft Fa. man K')dnk 6 LIT, Futon Mfir 4 22 Edla Bros Bin 2 16 F1 A.iin Lite 18 26'! Additional Markets On Page 12 Rio clovfrt Julv 30B Dec. 7.72B. I recently established and have at.nounced i u- m.T B- Bid i I intention of lirnorme the retroactive Barn IS trie Oldest town in North 159' nr.

Son- r.i ntos No 4 were ouoted at ll-, clause revarritntr nrires on old contracs parnlina 11 tl oleum lilted Slum mirl IIImv Knox Rio No. 7s I Rayon 73 17 Jones Laughlin. Turnover here 2 Pur Am Fih la Pa- 2 of 1 70 Par. Oa A Elec 7 Par Vilu 1 Par T.n Cor, 6 P.if West OH 6 Pcka. Motor 12 Piin Am Airx 47 A Piir.un Pic tues 48 Para in Plet.

2 7 Park IT Con 10 P.rke Da-S Pa fiter nnn Pr 2 in IT, P. ni 32 4- a approximated 1HB.O0O shnrea versus Bond strs 9 127,000 yes Urdu y. Hornn Bortf Warner 5.1 Curb Market Rower Roll Bear 2 Hretr Corn Am 2 Hrnh.eport Bratm 7 I Mr'r Mt- 18 lft Flee H.iit 22 Fl Pow A Lt 1ft line" A St -at 2 NF.W YORK transactions 10 V- a ni. i 54i 40. i-21 i 11) I- 1 Ralke 6 Urn Hmc' r-" rl A Lt to 8 Tl i Fl A I 7 50 Fl Pao Ota 1 "1 Endtrot- John 43 Fntr Pub Sere 11 4 Fnt PS ft 2 80 i Fn tft't- 81 Fn fl 1 10 Erie or; Product 7 7S vii 5 mCHOVIA See Mf II I'd I Mf" nf Hiidd Wheel Mine 5 I Pennev i lux Cein A 7 Penn SI I'eonl- 2 Pr-m Cob JP1 Pere M.trqnette 2 Pere M-ra 20 Prre M.i a 0 2 40 rn Corn Pfciftrr Mr-c 6 Pheln D'Hive 57 Pinl rt Morn- 1 Pllll'iOt Ptl'lhli Pe 16 PiM-j rv I A Va 10 Coal 6 Pitts Coal nf 7 On the New it C.Ji f.M h.u.r Net HlN I-tvt Cl'K Ahim Co Am 11.

2', A.s-o A fvl A 4 1-1 Breth Air 5 Vif -V Cliir.s Sen ne 1 4 1 1 Eacle P.ui I 10 Et Bui.f; A 'i i 1 Oil)! Otl 32 18 2'. K-e hi Br fTf 4 4' iital euro air todav 18 Oofl Yeaj ntn 98 tJU. t-h It'll Ml M'll- 2 Hurt A'H Mnrli 16 P.nt'i T'rtnina' 8 Hii'h tt 1 H'lt'T Pio 1 linn p.i'te Con A 7. 28 A Co Bvers A 2 9(1 TRIM) Ol'l.t rKH IS NEW YOHK. 8 I ne Airutrd Press hi hi co wholesale in lie inuex ol cmn modi' ics uxl.iv a in a need 'n 8 Prei ion- ov HH eek airo 8K t4.

month aau 8ti ar 71 5'i 141 19'0 1913-18 Fid Eire Iiii Eires'one TAR rim'Uote Florenre Stn- H't Fo'er Wheeer Pranrieo Freenoi ilnh Fori nr-- Pi' Her 4i Pitt H'eel Pitt H'l of Put Ste 1 Phmon'h Oil Poor A Co Pren-ed AM Car PacVinr 9 Id 9 'la Calilinet A Her II 41.44 Camnheli Wvant 11 12' i 78 7ft 22 Lo 77 IH 68 78 aer-ee raiuls 100 i 4 12', II'-, 1J 1ft 1 Fit', 10 Ml1. 8 ST'i 1 Jt. i'; a n. I' i i v. 14 7 7 15 ir in, 17 23'a 22'.

22'i 1- 3 121 12 2 ins', I nfl 1 '7 lft', 21 2'. 27'. 2S 12 10'. 11 10'. 2 2 -I- 1(1 11'.

IP. Il'i Canad Parif'c 12(1 4', Proctor A Onm Pii P-tb 7 i Pi 6 Pi i I'm an Pnr Oi' P-ire O-l Of Pnritv Bic Oabrirl Co A Kooer' inr Wood Ind i Oar Wood L.d CVivlord On Am line about a Personal Loan Case I Co 10 71 Citeriiil Tractor 9 48 Celanee Corn 11 2ft nr Df 1 10 PP'. Ce'otrx Corn IF 9 Cert Affmrre ft 1'. Cent 12 C-rro de Pa 1ft 34 Ce-talnteed Prod Certced 6 hi 3 70 32j Chamn 3ft 21'. Check-r Can 2 1.1'.

ci A- Ohio ift 7. SAVE ON YOUR OFFICE NEEDS Ownbey Housley The Wall St. StiitionerV-2A Wall St. I'hnne 1718 Rubber Mamp- While I Wait St. Otl 3 i o.i Am Tr.ti..

'V I'llirn HaKim It V. 1 4'. I fn. (I.r 1 10 1J l-'S up HEN taxes or insurance premiums come due when NWfQ r.rn 11R :4 11 1 11 r.cii frt 1 I "'4 I Cirn 14 I 39'. Riid Corn An 4S tv nf .1 Rat' Kei'h Or 1 Ri-l't Man 2 Rrtot.ter Inr 14 R.ion!r Inc 2 Ref'tpf Co 19 nmit.ff R'nd 4 Rep-ib 146 Rn ft Br Rev f'nn Rev Con Ar Monthly payments in line with your budget retire the loan, and as you cut down your loan you build up your credit at Wachovia.

Insurance covering Ihe unpaid balance is furnished at no extra cost to the borrow er.and there are no additional charges. Non-depositors may borrow, too. The chart below will gi you details for various amounts; a Wachovia officer will gladly give you information regarding loans of intermediate sizes. Revnoll- Me'al 15 Pe- IStirniK lib 1 Richfield Oil 351 K.lbernid 2 Ruiles 18 7 41 -t-38 if- 'a 1 1 S-ores 6 St Ld 1" Pivi Arm 104 Scii-rtev Di-till 1 He: bonrd Of 12 Reaemve Coro 7 floebufli 10 Inc 14 Sharon 1 Coro A Doh-ne 8 I'fini Ilk 'a R. Ii: 4 li.

IS'. r.rn Hi.t A- f'ri! Slinp To in 10 1 f.Ml P't CP 11 Ml l'. I Thi'j III 11 A- II1. 11'' I r. M-t.

sf i- 1 of 1 3 31 31' Oih-! .15 (il It i'o 14 IS' IS'. IT 1 CwH Br-W 2 I 1 1'-. lv 1 Onn-'rirh 11 ft'. I'1' -2'- Ciooeiv A. .11 13 11 IH M.i' 1" 11-1' 1 Gniiiliv l-on Mil.

1 4-. (Jrhlifl U'Hon i 1 I1' ll'i r.riin cr. S'l 4 in', in 1(1 Ilrn-il SI I l' ci var'ii ti 44 ''i'. ci-r-i l. IT- 1'1' Orfi honr.d 3 H1, 1 1 ll-- rr-'hi.

-i'l rf 11 11 11 Airr Fn 3 IT Oi.l: A 4 3 V. Hull Mob Af 1B 11 11 11 Hall Print 4 I1. 14 "i Hrh 1 lf 1 'lit Corn Am A 1 1 1 Hae 2' 3'. 2Jti-- I Itecer Pr id 4 61 r. 6'4 'i I Henile Mo'or 2 US H- doc 4 41 4 tf.Wlanier A 1 9 6.

l-'a MoHv ir 1 1 Min 3 47 4T 47 Her-h A 1 Tl 1 Hetir! Hersh 12 17 12l Fin 2 1 Otl 22 4-, 4'- 4' "Service That Makes Friends and Keeps Them" To Vacation Visitors And Others YLI wiU find fiere in Aslieville many opportunities for rest and relaxation. Our people are friendly and hospitable, and ready to do everything possible to make our stay in this community an enjoyable one. realize that away from home money matters take on added importance. Therefore, whether you are here as a vacation visitor or as a new resident, we want you to feel free to come to this bank for Shell T'i io-t Oil 2' 8 I'motis Co tnonds Ai elh Ol! She'ftel medical and dental bills pile up when you wish to make an investment or take a vacation when home improvements or educational costs call for extra funds when you want to consolidate bills or pay cash for necessary purchases or other needed purposes these are occasions when a low-cost personal loan at Wachovia can help you meet the situation. Smi'h A Coro 1 2 2 3' ft 10 "1 1 60 101 lO'-'S 101 21 20', 21 1C7 ft'i 1', H'.

14'. 15' I. 4 17'. li. 17 17 21', 23', 23' 210 12'a 12 12'.

71 14 11', 14 60 2'. 25', 2 1 T. 3i 16 Jf 17-', IS I 17 3'i 17 3X 6'. 6 6', 4 40 3 40 vim'v vacn'im Fi. Silt Ho'eavt Ore Sou "al Fdia Somh-m Pa Son thern Southern S-h- A- To Ptirrv Coro voii vor or BORROW RK-IIV! PAY MONTHLY (for 13 mat 96 90 24 120 112 80 in 7.20 156 5 9.V.

204 1916 17 12.24 3IH1 2R2.O0 25 IR.OO 504 4T3.76 42 40.24 1008 947.52 R4 60.48 1500 1410.00 125 90.00 It.c-Saii.Tf. Ii 2a lid Tlrintl. 21 '4 a S-(i T. 6 5 i (i la 21'; 12H 41', 1 44'. 18', or assistance any information which we can give i p-i-nd oil r.i 6i ,1 I Sund Oil Ind 52 OH 117 I Oil 'hio 5 p'lirrelt 3 1 1 I Sc-litu Pro 3 iHi.rl Ra 19 1 1R 19 Motor 6 .1 3 idd Mo-or I 3 1 IK'nC! Central 52 'a 111 Cetrral fl If 1 Tr-i-in R-fin 6Ti 6' 4.T.

42', 44" 44'. is' is o' 7'. T. en'. 6T.

sr. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Stone Ar Web 1. Coro 54 Sun Oil 20 Mn 17 S-Joerheaifr I Oil 7 SilDrnor Slrel S4-l' IS'. I 3'. 'i I4S4-1 17'.

3'. 2'. IB RkI1 2. 24' SS'-t-l-a- IE Seel in 74': i 'j 11 Indira- CoDnr 73 13' 12S 12-W- I Irrerch-m Coro 3 24 24 -i 1 il 21 4 4'4 II ln-erlae Iron 54 9', fl 9 Tr.i Anne tl'urnl 2 IS IS IB Irt nr ot 5 4ii 44', I II Im Rj Mach 1 Iagf JASS i IS H-drnFI A 1 "vt l-'-t M-r Marine 34 7 7 3, I rv.nj 1l4 1 inb TRUST COMPANY WACHOVIA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 11 Church Street 730 Haywood Rd. I I Ct I pu 0 2.

NOTICP State of Nnrth crolma. 'n'v ol Punrnmbe 11. i ins ciLiiil-d as idintnLatrstor oi tl. or dcen'fd ol Buncombe Conir. North C.rnlii.

thi. i. to noi.l. all oer-ons h.vti-.a claim. aint estate of said d.rajed tr eihibit them to the undritned at Church 8'reet on or before the li'h da.

of June 1642. or this notice -til in bar of their rrroveir All to estaia atU oleate immediate Til th 11th d.v ot Jui.e 1941 ItJ.IAI r. Adm.r.i.iator of ti.e e-'ate or r. 1177, turn 11 36 juW 3 -H-2i. 1M1.

Miailf i I Iff (fn 1 1 4 Heme Oxvned Locally Managed 26 27i. 38 17 16'. 17'. 61'. 6A.

6S'- -2't 47', 42'- 2ft 28'. 2S-. 39 36', I. 2.3 2'. 3 2H J- 16'.

10'. 10 a. 31'. 31', 4 35'. I'.

11'. II Mimktr Ttiirtl Di6iil li Ir.i T-1 4. 1 I'll i lor tt 5 I-land co.l 3 Ji-ri Jarvia a.

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.