Haunted Enfuzion Bar Lounge
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI's Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Email: jazmaonline@gmail.com
HPI Schedule: jazmaonline.boards.net/thread/1748/hpi-schedule-2021
Sacramento Paranormal Haunted Hotline: 916 203 7503
Date to be there: December 24, 2022, Saturday
Time to be there: 3pm
Address to be at: a restaurant/bar (Enfuzion Bar Lounge) at 5948 Auburn Blvd, Suite J, Citrus Heights, CA
Activity: Shadow people seen, objects move around on their own. Curtains knocked down to the floor. In the 1800s there was an asylum that was there, it was torn down and the restaurant and bar is now there. Believe this or not, the main entity drinks alcohol. Alcohol disappears from bottles.Contact: Vegas/Kelly Case # 9Z16K247T92S96
The Enfuzion Bar Lounge is located in Citrus Heights. Right across the street from the Enfuzion Bar is the 12 Mile House. The 12 Mile House was built in the 1800s. This establishment was used as a Teamster Way Station and later became a bar up to 1998. The 12 Mile House is one of the oldest establishments in Citrus Heights. Here are my thoughts, since the Enfuzion Bar is right across the street from the 12 Mile House, perhaps some of the spirit activity has bled over from the 12 Mile House to the Enfuzion Bar. So, with my team, our plan of action is to investigate inside and outside of the Enfuzion Bar and take a walk across the street and investigate the 12 Mile House. There is plenty of history in Citrus Heights. The Plains Miwok tribes and the Valley Nisenan (Maidu) tribes once had settlements on this land. In 1863 ground was broken in this area of Citrus Heights for the Pacific Railroad, that went into the Central Township. There were many injuries and work-related deaths on the railroad tracks. When I lived in Citrus Heights, locals told me that on Old Auburn Road, you would see a light in the distance and when you approached the light, the light would disappear. Locals believe that this ghostly light was the "Lamp Man", a railroad worker who was killed on the railroad tracks. In the 1860s, Corneilius Donahue built a ranch in Citrus Heights and there were a few work-related deaths on his ranch. In 1932 during the Great Depression, fruit farming came to a halt in Citrus Heights and there were stories that some farm workers died of starvation in the area of Citrus Heights. Only 8 minutes away from Enfuzion Bar Lounge is Camp Kohler, which was a temporary detention center for 4700 Japanese Americans in 1942. At this Camp were stories of Japanese Americans who died at this Camp. I have investigated some homes in Citrus Heights that were haunted by Japanese Americans that were incarcerated at this Camp and perhaps this might have something to do with the haunting at the Enfuzion Bar Lounge. More recent deaths near this bar are deaths on Auburn Blvd. Recent deaths are a bicyclist killed by a vehicle, death by gunfire during a road rage incident and death by car accident. Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire lived in an apartment at Citrus Heights that was haunted. Also, I might mention that the notorious Joseph James DeAngelo aka the Golden State Killer lived in Citrus Heights. So, as you can see, Citrus Heights has a lot of dark history and there could be many reasons why this bar is haunted. Now let's look at the investigation.
Paul Dale Roberts - HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire - Psychic Medium; Catherine Marie Collins - Psychic; Cat - Psychic; Alaceo "Big Al" Rosatano - EVP Specialist; Christian Appel - Documentarian; Justin Thomas - James Rutter - Photo Analyst; Nghia - Photo Analyst.
We conducted an investigation during the time that the bar/restaurant was open. There were many patrons watching the football game. In the main area, there was a lot of noise, but that was okay, we went into the quiet spots, like the office area, the side entrance and patio. We also investigated the 12 Mile House across the street. We were very successful in obtaining EVPs. Wish Fire pointed out in the office area, she was getting a vision of a large butterfly, which represents how abutterfly undergoes a miraculous metamorphosis, they become symbols of transformation, change, rebirth, and even resurrection. Wish Fire and Catherine both pointed out an area on the side of this establishment that has spirit activity. I did manage to get 2 EVPs that were unintelligible. At the 12 Mile House, we obtained an EVP that said "hello". We could not get the entity to identify himself or herself and decided it was time to do a cleansing. I did a four winds prayer on the establishment, which covers everything. The cleansing was a Roman Catholic cleansing. Since it was Christmas Eve, Wish Fire gave blessed wooden incense boxes to everyone and inside the incense boxes were incense. Wish Fire also gave out blessed candles. Wish Fire, Catherine and Cat were very helpful in identifying areas that were hotspots for spirit activity. Justin and Nghia will analyze their photos to see if they captured any anomalies in their photos. This was a very interesting investigation and I hope that my cleansing was successful.