Mudae Badge (2024)

1. Kakera Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • Badges · Prices · IV Badge Messages

  • Kakera badges, also known as kakera rewards, are the most basic type of rewards you can gain with Kakera . It is recommended for kakera badges to be a player's earliest purchases. They can be accessed with the commands $kakera and $kakerareward. The variables are the following for default prices of kakeras for getting badges: Bronze: x = 1000 Silver: x = 2000 Gold: x = 3000 Sapphire: x = 5000 Ruby: x = 7000 Emerald: x = 9000 In the case of a server having set their own default ($badgevalue), rep

Kakera Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

2. Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • This page contains all the badges which can be displayed on your Profile. You can view a list of all your badges with $badges.

  • This page contains all the badges which can be displayed on your Profile. You can view a list of all your badges with $badges. All of the following badges are earned by purchasing the corresponding Kakera Badge. Buying a higher tier of the same badge will replace it. These badges are NOT global, they only appear on servers where you've bought them. The chests of Waifuarena can be obtained during Naw's story mode $ar5 by killing fairies of the corresponding color, which summons a dragon. Killing

Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

3. Badge Efficiency Calculator - GitHub Pages

4. How to Buy Badges in Mudae - Alphr

  • Aug 22, 2023 · Open up Discord and head to the server you want to buy badges on. In the chat, type the relevant command for the badge you wish to buy.

  • Buying kakera badges is one of the best ways to get ahead in Mudae. Each badge provides unique benefits, like bonus wishslots or a reduction in your

How to Buy Badges in Mudae - Alphr

5. Mudae on Tumblr

6. Mudae Discord Bot - Invite, Vote & Status -

  • Helpful information about Mudae Discord bot, including Mudae commands, invite link, support server and reviews ... $badge: Your list of badges. $claimreact: ( ...

  • Helpful information about Mudae Discord bot, including Mudae commands, invite link, support server and reviews. We also provide message previews for Mudae responses.

7. Wish Spawnrate Calculator - GitHub Pages

  • Badge Efficiency Calculator. Badge Efficiency Calculator · Bundles. No. of Charaters Wished in Your Roll Type (Unclaimed). -10 -1 0 +1 +10. Badge Wish Boost %.

  • Let \(wl\) be the number of wishes in your roll type, \(wb_B\) be badge wish boost, and \(wb_F\) be the fist wish boost, \(wp\) be the wish prorection rate, \(C_D\) be the number of disabled characters in your roll type, \(C_L\) be the number of unclaimed characters in your roll type, \(C_T\) be the total number of characters in your roll type, and \(pr\) be your personal rare value.

8. badge mudae | Discover - Kwai

  • Discover videos related to badge-mudae on Kwai. ... mudae disable. belenggu cinta. badut barongsai. dan almeida. muka asli boruto. Everyone ...

  • Aí a pessoa muda do nada contigo e você fica igual idiotaa se perguntando o que eu fiz de erradoAí a pessoa muda do nada contigo e você fica igual idiotaa se perguntando o que eu fiz de errado.

badge mudae | Discover - Kwai

9. How to Get More Rolls in Mudae - Alphr

  • Jan 4, 2022 · Change Game Mode · Spend Kakera on Kakera Badges · Create a Wishlist · Use the Vote Command · Get Premium · How Many Times Can You Claim on Mudae?

  • Catching “waifus” and “husbandos” is the main order of business for the Discord bot known as Mudae. The bot gives you chances to roll for characters,

How to Get More Rolls in Mudae - Alphr
Mudae Badge (2024)


How to get badges in mudae? ›

You can buy badges by simply doing the command $bronze to purchase Bronze, $ruby to purchase Ruby, etc. You can also purchase multiple badges at once by writing $bronze 4, to purchase up to Bronze IV in one command.

How to lower the price of badges on mudae? ›

The minimum badge prices can be set with $badgevalue for each badge ($silvervalue 1000, $goldvalue 1000, etc). Admins can use the command $kakerarefund in order to issue a full badge refund in case a user wants to choose a different route.

How to refund badges in mudae? ›

Each level IV badge also contains a special perk, which can be checked with $kakerareward. Their prices can be changed with $badgevalue commands, and they can be refunded with $kakerarefund.

What is the key limit in Mudae? ›

perk, which changes the color of kakera spawning on the character. This applies no matter who rolled the character, so anyone can take advantage of the orange kakera. There used to be a limit of 3000 keys per character; this limit has since been removed as of February 2022 (announced in March).

What does quality mean in Mudae? ›

$quality: Grants you an additional 1% chance to spawn any loot.

Who is the Mudae girl? ›

Yuki Nagato is a rollable animanga waifu in the Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu series in Mudae. Yuki is well known as the "mascot" of Mudae. Her likeness is used as the bot's profile picture.

How to get more mudapins? ›

Mudapins can be traded or gifted through $pe and $gp respectively.

How many Pokemon does Mudae have? ›

The available Pokémon are divided into 6 different rarities. In total, there are 1010 Pokémon (in other words, the National Pokédex from Kanto to Paldea, thus going up to Gen IX).

Can you give unclaimed characters in Mudae? ›

$givecustom is the ONLY command for giving someone an unclaimed character. There is no way to give non-custom characters in this way.

How to destroy a tower in Mudae? ›

$build <perk number>: Choose a perk and build a floor for the kakera tower. $destroy: Restart the kakera tower with a refund of the invested kakera (this command has a twenty hour cooldown).

How do you get a specific character in Mudae? ›

Custom characters can be rolled and claimed normally, but unclaimed custom characters can also be given to anyone by a mod by using the command $givecustom. Custom characters are the only characters that can be forcibly given when they're not already claimed.

How do you get the booster badge in discord? ›

When you boost a server, you'll also see this new shiny badge in your User Profile to display your love for boosting servers. This badge will evolve after it reaches a certain milestone of time as you continue your streak for boosting servers.

How do you get dank badges? ›

A user is generally awarded with a badge when they've successfully done a certain task a set amount of time, or for other reasons, such as using the bot on the last days at the end of a year.

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