Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (2025)

MMOs are often swept under the rug by most gamers since they often offer lackluster gameplay and feature an exceeding amount of P2W elements. But, among these subpar MMOs, there are a few that stand out, like Warframe and Final Fantasy 14. Out of the two, Warframe has consistently brought out new content, despite being developed by an Indie gaming company.

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Dozens of features make Warframe one of the best F2P MMOs, but the most notable one is the vast number of playable Warframes (over 50). But, there's one Warframe that some players may struggle to obtain: Harrow. Fortunately, with this guide, players will be able to complete the Chains of Harrow quest and acquire the prized Harrow Warframe.

Before unlocking the Chains of Harrow quest, players must complete the quest The War Within and one match of Mot Survival in the Void (accessible via Sedna).

Investigate the Message: Earth

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (1)

The Lotus and Ordis (two of the most important characters in Warframe) intercept an odd message from a damaged Grineer ship orbiting Earth. Once aboard the Grineer ship, players must follow the objective marker, which leads them to a large room with several dead Grineer. After reaching the first objective, The Lotus will mark two other ones for the player to follow and investigate.

As soon as players examine the third objective, Palladino (an unknown person) will contact the player asking for help. While players head toward Palladino, several low-level Red Veil Fanatics armed with Rakta Cernos and Tetra will begin to attack the player. They shouldn't be much of an issue if players are using a Gloom Garuda or Lawbreaker Mesa.

Upon reaching Palladino, players must protect her from Red Veil Fanatics (and her Kavat) for 30 seconds. After successfully defending her, players can extract to continue the Chains of Harrow quest line.

Meet Palladino at Iron Wake: Earth

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (2)

Players must now head to the Red Veil Base (Iron Wake) located on Earth (toward the left hemisphere). Once at the base, players must follow the objective marker to reach Palladino. But, to speak to her, players will need to exit their Warframe (Transference). After talking to Palladino, players discover they must travel to Hydra.

Find Rell's Relic: Pluto

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (3)

The next step in Chains of Harrow is to travel to Pluto (the perfect planet to farm Plastids) and board another derelict ship, except this time it's from the Corpus. Players will discover dozens of Red Veil corpses while investigating the Corpus ship, at which point Palladino directs the Tenno (player) to the Donda Relic. Upon picking up the Donda, a shadowy manifestation will suddenly appear resurrecting the nearby corpses. And since this "ghost" cannot be harmed or killed, players will have to head directly to the extraction point.

Players should return to Iron Wake (Earth) and give the Donda to Palladino. With the aid of the Donda, Palladino communes with the ghost, starting a simple yet short mini-game (players must pick the right card to win). After communing with Rell (the mysterious ghost), players will have to purchase a Kinetic Siphon Trap from Cephalon Simaris.

Capture Rell's Manifestations 1: Deimos

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (4)

In order to proceed to the next questline in Chains of Harrow, players must equip the Kinetic Siphon Trap into their loadout. Additionally, players will have to trap several high-leveled enemies, so it would be best to use Mods that increase HP or Shields. Afterward, players can travel to Deimos located at the center of the galaxy map.

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Players must capture the 1st manifestation upon landing on the Orokin Derelict node (it will appear three times). Players can capture the manifestations by weakening them and using a Kinetic Siphon Trap.

Capture Rell’s Manifestations 2: Uranus

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (5)

The 2nd manifestation will be located on Uranus, between Sycorax and Caliban. Once again, players must locate and trap three manifestations before moving on to the next and final one.

Capture Rell’s Manifestations 3: Earth

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (6)

Players will have to return to Earth to trap the final manifestations. After capturing the final manifestation, players will have to travel back to the Void to fight the manifestation head-on. And while the fight isn't too challenging, players can make it a lot easier by using the Acceltra or Phenmor Assault Rifles.

Enter the Temple: Void

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (7)

Upon landing, players must follow the objective marker placed by Palladino, which leads to the location of the ghostly Warframe. Once players reach the location of the Warframe, they'll need to switch to Operator mode to destroy the chains binding the ghost. But, upon destroying the first chain, the Warframe awakens and begins to launch fireballs at the player while reanimating the corpse of Red Veil Fanatics.

To defeat the Harrow Warframe, players must first clear the room of Red Veil Fanatics, after which one of the chains binding Harrow will turn blue, prompting players to shoot it. Once one of the chains is destroyed, a card mini-game will start, asking players to choose the right card (there's no wrong answer). Once all three chains are destroyed, players can extract and receive the coveted Harrow Blueprint and gain permanent access to Iron Wake.

Warframe is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox One Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Warframe: Best Quests In The Game, Ranked

Warframe: Chains of Harrow Quest Guide (2025)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.